Life is a magical experience.

Nein, nicht Videos von mir. Aber solche, die ich enorm mag. Geschichten des Lebens, faszinierend, herzberührend, inspirierend, sinnierend, melancholisch, lustig - einfach das volle bunte Leben. Tauche ein!



“Ich akzeptiere den Druck und lasse mich gehen”

“Wir kämpfen dagegen an…()…Wir wollen dem Druck widerstehen…()…Unter Wasser geht das nicht…()…Du musst dir sagen “Die Natur ist stärker als du…()…Ich lasse das Wasser mich zerdrücken. Ich akzeptiere den Druck und lasse mich gehen.”

Guillaume Néry, The exhilarating peace of freediving


“Behind each individual there’s a story”

“I was actually walking by one day and I look over and I see ping pong balls in the air. And I said, wow, tables".

“I take the bus to the train. And then another train. Just to get here”.

National Geographic, United by Ping Pong


“What if you could really talk to your younger self? What would you say?”

“Now I’m 56 and it’s time to face the kid and finish the conversation”…”This is about weird as it gets”…”I’m old, I’m fat and in your mind I’m a faillure…()…"Why do you think I’ve been avoiding talking to you for 38 years"?”

Stoney Emshwiller, Later the same life


“Man sagt, ich sei ein Sonnyboy”

“Mein Vater ist gestorben, als ich ihn am meisten gebraucht hätte. Meine erste Frau ist in einer Lawine ums Leben gekommen. Meine kleine Schwester ist seit frühester Kindheit schwerst behindert. Mein einer Bruder ist an einer Infektion innerhalb von Stunden völlig unerwartet verstorben. Mein anderer Bruder ist ein riesiges Skitalent gewesen, hat aber seinen Weg im Leben nie gefunden. Ich bin der Bernhard Russi, man sagt ich sei ein Sonnyboy.”

Bernhard Russi, Von hohen Gipfeln und dunklen Tälern


“It’s how they feel about themselves, when they’re around you”

“There are times , the universe talks to us. There are times it whispers. And there are other times it screams.”

“It was never about us talking tennis. It was never about what we could say to each other. It was always about what we didn’t have to say.”

André Agassi, Open Heart


“You gave me your shoulders to stand on to reach for my dreams”

“The scoreboard says I lost today, but what the scoreboard doesn’t say, what I have found…()…you have willed me to succeed, sometimes in my lowest moments…()…I have found you and I will take the memory of you for the rest of my life”.

André Agassi, final speech, last match


“The first story is about connecting the dots”

“Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Speech, June 12 2005


“I hope he would be proud of me”

“I think it was somewhat of a wake-up call for me when he passed away and I really started to train hard”…()…”I’ve been incredibly fortunate to having had the right people at the right time”…()…”Sure you could argue that I made those decisions, but I also got lucky along the way”.

Roger Federer on his Coach Peter Carter, CNN Interview 2019


“Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world”

“Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere…()…If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.”

Hugh Grant (Prime Minister), Love Actually, starting scene


“My greatest regret is that every brother I lost was in a moment when we were not getting on”.

“It’s all about time…()..and the end of the rainbow is here”.

Barry Gibb, the last Bee Gee


“Erfolg ist wie Husten. Du bekommst ihn und dann ist er wieder weg, irgendwie”

“Aber was du beeinflussen kannst, ist das du glücklich bist. Das ist ein Mindset. Und wenn ich glücklich bin, werde ich immer erfolgreich sein.”

Dodo, Die Odyssee


“The Hero’s Journey”

“And all in that moment that the armour is
being knocked off, they get a look inside
and see the golden. Let me tell you
friend, that the moment you see that gold
the armour and the concrete
will never satisfy you again.
At that point you truly enter
to the true heroe's adventure”

Alan Cohen, Finding Joe



Postcards from Pripyat

“Darkness at my door
Knock knock on my door
Left the light burning through the night
Praying for the morn”

Hannah Miller, Promised Land in “Chernobyl by drone”


“It’s an entire kingdom”

“Yo!” - “Yo!” - “Where’s Tommy G?”

“I haven’t seen him”
“I heard his on a secret spot”
”Actually it’s more than a spot”

Bike Kingdom Lenzerheide, The Legend of Tommy G

(Dark) Humor.


“Die Schweiz ist ein Sündenpfuhl" - “Sie haben recht. Sie sind aber in der Minderheit”.

“Willkommen bei Ventil. Wir präsentieren Ihnen heute Highlights aus dem letzten Jahrtausend Ventil. 45 Minuten lang das krasseste was Sie in Ventil sehen durften. Wir beginnen mit einer ganz lieben Person, welche wir gerne bei uns in der Sendung gehabt haben, nämlich mit dem Fräulein Uriella”.

Frank Baumann, Best of Ventil 1996-2000


“The salmon mousse”

“You’re all so fucking pompous, non of you have balls”.

Monty Python, The Meaning of Life, Part VII, Death


“The büsi rücke”

“As a kid I always watched my grandmother cooking. She was always a huge influence for me. I want to reinvent my grandmothers recipe in another way: the büsi rücke”.

La Table Suisse - ein ganz besonderes Restaurant stellt sich vor



“It’s a real place where you can solve things”

“I mean, we’re recreational too. We’re doing re-creation”.

The Ponds, Documentary


“Ich habe das Unbekannte umarmt und es ist mein Freund geworden”

“Jeder Moment war neu, jeder Tag war anderswo”.

Anselm Pahnke, Anderswo allein in Afrika


Auf dem Landweg nach New York

“In einem Pannentheater begegnen uns die unterschiedlichsten Menschen rund um den Globus. Mit Ihrer Hilfe fahren wir immer ein Stückchen weiter – bis zum nächsten Breakdown. Wir wurden gezogen, abgeschleppt, Instand gesetzt und noch ein bisschen weiter geschoben… stets auf der Suche nach dem Punkt, an dem es einfach nicht mehr weiter gehen kann!”

972 Breakdown, Leaving Home Funktion



Wiener Schnitzel

“Wenn Sie dahoam a Schnitzel machen, da kommt jeder vorbei”

Wiener Schnitzel, Meissl und Schaden


“Central elevates the unknown”

“Each elevation generastes a different ecosystem, and everything that grows there we bring together in a dish”

Virgilio Martinez, Restaraunt Central, Lima, Peru


“French Onion Soup”

“If the world ended I wanted that to be my last bite”

Matty Matheson, Munchies, French Onion Soup



Where the streets have no name

*I want to run, I want to hide
I wanna tear down the walls that hold me inside
I wanna reach out and touch the flame
Where the streets have no name”

“And when I go there, I go there with you - it’s all I can do”

U2, Where the streets have no name, Boston, 2001


Right now

“It's your tomorrow
(Right now)
C'mon, it's everything
(Right now)
Catch that magic moment, and do it right, right now
Oh, right now
It's what's happening
Right here and now
Right now
It's right now
Oh, Tell me, what are you waiting for?
Turn this thing around”

Van Halen, Right now, 1991

These are the days of our lives

“Those days are gone now but one thing is true - when I look and I find, I love you”

Queen, These are the days of our lives, 1991


The Final Bell

Bill Conti, Rocky I, The Final Bell, 1976


Sit down

“Those who feel themselves ridiculous, sit down next to me”

James, Sit Down, Live 2001


Made again

“And it's all because you made me see
What is false and what is true
Like the inside and the outside of me
Has been made again by you”

Marillion, Made Again 2020